On 10 July, two freight trains collided between Biatorbágy and Herceghalom stations on the line Budapest-Keleti – Hegyeshalom border station. The freight wagons derailed, blocking both tracks and severely damaging them.
From 18:30 on 11 July, one of the tracks became operational again with a speed restriction of 40 km/h on a 100 m long section at the location of the accident, with minor impact on capacity.
The restoration of the second track was finished on 12 July, too.
We are happy to announce that we, together with RailNetEurope (RNE and the other 10 RFCs, will participate with a stand at this year’s Connecting Europe Days in Lyon. Don’t miss out on this special event for mobility and transport, and come visit us at our stand. Find out more about the CE Days here: #ConnectingEurope#EuropeanCommission#CINEA#event#europe#transport#mobility
RFC Rhine-Danube would like to invite the Members of the Terminal Advisory Group to participate in the next RNE-RFC session, which will be a webinar about the Rail Facilities Portal for terminals. It will take place online from 14:00 to 16:00 on 22 June. You can find practical information about the RFP on https://rfp.rne.eu/
As it is an online meeting, if you would like to attend, and have not registered yet, you can still register by sending an email to the RFC Network Assistant via until the day before the webinar.
Please do not hesitate to forward this information to interested colleagues of yours.
Also, we hope to have the facilities of your companies in the RFP, too, soon – if not there yet – so that we can advertise their characteristics and the services provided therein via a user-friendly, forward-looking, and digital sharing of service facility information with a link to the RFP in chapter 3 Terminal Description of our Corridor Information Document for the users of the RFC.
The Management Boards of RFC Rhine-Danube and RFC Orient/East-med have approved common rules of procedures for train performance management in order to align these procedures on the significant length of their overlapping sections. These procedures were agreed with the interested members of the RU Advisory Groups of the two RFCs, too.
Infrastructure Managers and Railway Undertakings commonly analysing the performance of freight traffic along the RFC in line with the above document and proposing and implementing improvement actions may result in more satisfied customers and end-customers.
To this end, if you are a Railway Undertaking running your trains along RFC Rhine-Danube or a terminal operating your facilities along the RFC and you are interested in participating in the bi-annual joint meetings of the Operations and Performance Working Groups of the two RFCs, please contact the Permanent Management Office.
Interruption with international impact after collision of two freight trains on 19 May
Since Thursday morning (19/05/2022), the Aschaffenburg-Darmstadt line between Babenhausen and Dieburg has been interrupted. After the collission of two freight trains in the early morning, several wagons of one of the freight trains derailed and one of the loco drivers died. A long-lasting investigation of the accident by the authorities is expected.
Total closure on the line is still in place. Start of single-track operations is anticipated from 16 June 2022, 5 am.
International Freight Trains are rerouted via
We will inform our customers about the further proceedings.
In case of any questions please do not hesitate to contact the ICM Coordinator of RFC Rhine-Danube: Zita Koops-Árvai, Managing Director via .
Customer Information Platform & Rail Facilities Portal and the Network and Corridor Information (digital network statements and CIDs).
The RFC Rhine-Danube would like to invite you to session regarding the Customer Information Platform and Rail Facilities Portal which is organized in cooperation with RFC Network and RNE on Thursday 28th of April, 14:00-16:00 CET
Keynote Speech
Welcome by Marc Adler, current chairperson of the RFC Network, managing director of the RFC Rhine-Alpine
Harald Reisinger / Vojkan Stefanovic (RNE) on RNE Digital Roadmap & Digital Rail Infrastructure Information System
Miloslav Kogler (RNE) on CIP (Customer Information Platform)
Jean Marc Hillenberg and Michael Spannlang (RNE) on RFP (Rail Facilities Portal) & Network and Corridor Information
To join the session please register using this link.
Please be aware that this session will be recorded and published.
To learn the level of satisfaction of the customers with the performance of the corridor, RFC Rhine-Danube conducted its first user satisfication survey for 2021. The survey was conducted in a harmonised manner, most importantly by using a harmonised questionnaire across all 11 RFCs, and coordinated by RailNetEurope.
We would like to thank everyone who filled it in for the valuable feedback and time.
The summary of the results specific for RFC Rhine-Danube can be downloaded here.
Our RFC is taking a deeper look into the results in order to define concrete actions for improvement
We would like to draw your attention to our virtual PCS training, which will be offered on 15 and 16 February, providing you with valuable and practical insights needed for requesting capacity on the Rail Freight Corridors for timetable 2023.
Moreover, the training will enhance your knowledge by introducing you to (new) features and functions in PCS, informing you about the news for TT 2023 and giving you the chance to practice live with individual and corridor-specific exercises.
For more information, please contact our C-OSS Manager via .