Path Coordination System PCS

The Path Coordination System is an international capacity management system, which can be used by applicants (e.g. Railway Undertakings) to request paths and by Infrastructure Managers, Allocation Bodies, and Rail Freight Corridors for the coordination of these requests. The main goal of this internet-based application is to harmonize the path requests and offers of all involved parties. PCS can be linked to the domestic application to ensure that international path requests only need to be placed once in any of the systems (either domestic system or PCS). No additional costs for usage apply for all RNE Infrastructure Managers and customers licensed on any of their networks. PaPs and Reserve Capacity are coordinated via the C-OSS manager and may be ordered via PCS.

If you would like to review online PCS trainings held on 13-14 February, the recordings are available on the Rail Freight Corridor Network Youtube channel.

You can find more information about PCS on RNE´s website:

Train Information System TIS

The Train Information System serves to gather real time information about international and national passenger and freight trains based on data directly provided by the Infrastructure Managers’ systems. Rail Freight Corridors are using TIS to get reports for their international Train Performance Management. Furthermore, the system may serve internationally active Railway Undertakings to manage their logistical chains. TIS was one of the first systems to be fully compliant with TAF/TAP TSI.

You can find more information about TIS on RNE´s website:

Customer Information Platform CIP

The Customer Information Platform is an interactive, Internet-based information tool, providing detailed information on RFC routing and terminals. Customers may search for specific track properties per O/D relation and infrastructure investment projects, as well as ICM (International Contingency Management) lines and their re-routing options. All information may be found via an interactive map or a document archive, providing further official documents for each RFC.

CIP is hosted and maintained by RailNetEurope. RNE is assigned to further develop the CIP according to the decisions of the CIP Change Control Board and following the approval, if necessary, of the RNE General Assembly.

Currently, CIP displays information on railway infrastructure in 24 European countries, covering the network of all 11 RFCs.

You can find more information about CIP on RNE´s website: