Train Performance Management on RFC Rhine-Danube

Via its Operations and Performance Working Group, RFC Rhine-Danube provides a platform for coordination and cooperation among the IMs, the RUs, and the terminals related to Train Performance Management. This Working Group

  • defines the processes for monitoring and improving train performance along the RFC by using a set of performance reports and KPIs;
  • serves as a platform on which the IMs along the RFC, the RUs, and the terminals analyse train performance by using the above tools and define corrective actions.

If needed, bilateral groups, which may meet more frequently, are set up for a more in-depth analysis.

Due to the significant length of overlapping sections with RFC Orient/East-Med, the working groups on the two RFCs have joint meetings. The two RFCs have also defined the above mentioned processes in a joint Handbook, which you can download here:

Train Performance Management – Rules of Procedures

If you are a Railway Undertaking running your trains along RFC Rhine-Danube or a terminal operating your facilities along the RFC and you are interested in participating in the bi-annual joint meetings of this Working Group, please contact the Permanent Management Office.

RFC Rhine-Danube also publishes a Train Performance Report on a monthly basis. The reports show punctuality figures as well as the amount and distribution of delay minutes over a period of 12 months in both directions. The latest report is available here.