Call for Interest for Conducting a Transport Market Study

RFC Rhine-Danube is planning to update its Transport Market Study based on the results of a joint project of all 11 RFCs by the end of 2024. The RFCs requested RNE to coordinate the joint project, and they are now searching for a consultant who is willing to prepare the necessary common basis for the updates of the 11 individual studies.


If you are interested in providing the requested service to the RFCs and RNE, please refer to the tender documentation available on the following websites:


By using a common basis, the Transport Market Studies of the RFCs will become comparable with each other, and the joint project will result in an optimised way of using the financial and thr human resources of all participating stakeholders.


It is expected that all ministries, RUs, and terminals along the RFCs will be approached with a request for data and information by the consultant. We will communicate the planned timeframe of the input gathering when available to our stakeholders.

Next TPM Meeting with RUs and Terminals on 12 April

We would like to invite our customers and terminal partners to the next meeting of the Operations and Performance Working Group, which will be held again commonly with RFC Orient/East-Med, with the participation of IMs and interested RUs and terminals.

This TPM meeting will be held online and is scheduled for 09:00-11:00 on 12 April 2023.

If you are interested in participating, you may register by sending an email to Mrs Zita Koops-Árvai, Managing Director of the RFC via 



Join the third joint meeting of the Advisory Groups of RFC Rhine-Danube and RFC Orient / East-Med

The next meeting of the Advisory Groups of RFC Rhine-Danube will take place on 30 March between 10am and 3:30pm in Vienna. The groups consist of the railway undertakings which are using the services of the RFC and the terminals which are located along the RFC. You can find more information about these groups here:

It will be a joint event together with the Advisory Groups of RFC Orient / East-Med, which is the third common event of this kind.

This customer meeting is an open event, we welcome all interested stakeholders. If you are interested in participating, you may register by sending an email to Ms Zita Koops-Árvai, Managing Director of the RFC via .

Publication of ICM Re-routing Overview 2023

We are happy to announce that we have recently published the Re-routing overview 2023 for International Contingency Management.

The overview comprises a list of infrastructure parameters informing about the conditions on critical as well as re-routing lines.

Furthermore, the re-routing overview presents scenarios for disruptions on critical sections and related re-routing lines.

The document has been elaborated in close cooperation with operations and infrastructure experts of our members. You may download it from the following link:

RFC RHD Re-Routing Overview for 2023

Results of RFC User Satisfaction Survey 2022

To learn the level of satisfaction of the customers with the performance of the corridor, RFC Rhine-Danube conducted its second user satisfication survey for 2022. The survey was conducted in a harmonised manner, most importantly by using a harmonised questionnaire across all 11 RFCs, and coordinated by RailNetEurope.

We would like to thank everyone who filled it in for the valuable feedback and time.

The summary of the results specific for RFC Rhine-Danube can be downloaded here.

Our RFC is taking a deeper look into the results in order to define concrete actions for improvement

Publication PaP Offer TT 2024

Our PaP Offer for Timetable 2024 is now published and accessible via PCS and the website.


we are excited to inform all our customers about the publication of the Pre-Arranged Paths (PaPs) on RFC Rhine-Danube for Timetable 2024. The offer is accessible via PCS ( Furthermore, the PaP Catalogue may be accessed via our Website (, containing a clickable map, detailed information sheets per section, a table overview of all PaPs per direction as well as additional information on train parameters, TCRs and distances. For any questions please address the C-OSS manager (


At the same time, we are happy to announce that the Corridor Information Document for Timetable 2024 (Sections 1-4) was also published. Customer Information Platform – RNE


We are looking forward to welcoming you on the RFC Rhine-Danube network!