We would like to inform our customers about the publication of the updated overview of Temporary Capacity Restrictions (TCRs) on RFC Rhine-Danube. This update concerns TCRs of CFR and MÁV.
On 9th July at 12:07 a freight train derailed with several wagons in Hungary on line Szajol – Lőkösháza border between Tiszatenyő and Mezőtúr stations. Both tracks and the overhead line is damaged. Lőkösháza – Curtici border crossing is affected in the incident.
For freight trains, it is possible to use the primary diversion route via Püspökladány towards Biharkeresztes.
The Lőkösháza – Curtici border crossing available on the Cegléd-Kecskemét-Szeged-Békéscsaba-Lőkösháza detour route.
According to forecast provided by MÁV, one of the tracks will be passable within days, while the full restoration may take weeks.
UPDATE on 14-07-2023: From 16 July 2023, train services are expected to start on the left track between Tiszatenyő – Mezőtúr stations. A 40 km/h slowdown signal will be in force for a distance of about 200m near the accident site
UPDATE on 17-07-2023: One track is operational. Available capacity on the section is 7 trains per hour. Reconstruction works on the other track is expected to take several days.
UPDATE on 28-07-2023:Technical inspections of the concerned track section have revealed that measures necessary for repairing the second track shall take further weeks. Superstructure and even parts of the substructure suffered damage on a 2 km long stretch. The experts of MÁV are persistantly working on the damaged track section in order to complete the repair procedure. Further update shall be provided as soon as the expected date of completion is revealed.
UPDATE on 11-08-2023: The second track is going to become operational from 20:00 today.
We will keep you informed about the further proceedings
The Management Board of RFC Rhine-Danube (RFC RD) monitors the performance of rail freight services on the RFC and publishes the results of this monitoring once a year.
During the first year of its operation, RFC RD implemented all KPIs commonly applied by all of the other RFCs, too, in order to facilitate the above-mentioned monitoring process in a harmonised way.
This Performance Monitoring Reports describes the results of the commonly applicable RFC KPIs.
The new document also includes the train km KPI, which was first calculated for 2022 by our corridor.
You can find the performance monitoring report 2022 here and in the CIP.
The corridor Capacity wishlist survey is now available to submit your international capacity wishes and needs for 2024-2025.
The results of the survey will be one of the main elements that the Rail Freight Corridors will use to build the PaP Catalogues for timetable 2025 and the Reserve Capacity for timetable 2024.
You can find the survey template along with a tutorial here:
the template to be used for expressing your international capacity wishes – DOWNLOAD FILE
a brief guide (template tutorial) to help you to fill in the template – DOWNLOAD FILE
Please return your filled-in file to any OSS of a Rail Freight Corridor (please find the contact list below). We ask you to submit your international capacity needs by 15th August, but understand that a different optimal sending date (sooner or later) might be more advisable in certain cases. Please contact your C-OSS of choice if you have any doubts about this matter.
RFC Rhine-Danube in collaboration with RFC Orient/East-Med has recently relaunched the cross-border cooperation group and its regular meetings between the RUs, the terminal, MÁV, and CFR. For this purpose, a cross-border cooperation group meeting took place on 12 June in Curtici with the participation of more than 15 RUs.
The main focus of the cross-border cooperation group is to regularly monitor the dwell time and its reasons at this border station, and to define and implement improvement actions in order to reduce the dwell time, having the target of maximum 120 minutes on average from the east to the west.
The participants welcomed the relaunch of the regular meetings.
The next monitoring period will be scheduled for a selected week in August, which will be followed up with the next regular meeting in autumn.
We are happy to announce that RFC Rhine-Danube published Reserve Capacity for TT 2023, which is now accessible in PCS and ready to be ordered.
The Reserve Capacity is our product for new recurrent business needs and ad-hoc traffic within the running timetable and consists of remaining capacity in the running timetable. Reserve Capacity TT 2023 is accessible in PCS and can be requested up to 30 days before the first day of operation on all corridor sections. Once your request is submitted, the C-OSS will provide you on behalf of the involved infrastructure managers with an internationally harmonized path offer until 10 days before the first running day at the latest.
Further details on this product and its benefits can be found on our website and in PCS, including all relevant information on the procedures for requesting and allocating capacity, standard running times and train parameters. The CID Book 4 including the principles of capacity management can be downloaded here.
We would like to inform our customers about the publication of the updated overview of Temporary Capacity Restrictions (TCRs) on RFC Rhine-Danube. This update concerns TCRs of DB Netz.
We would like to inform our customers about the traffic on the line between Bratislava-Petrzalka and Parndorf is in operation again from 09.05.2023 although with limited service because only one track is available until the end of 15 May 2023.
Interruption with international impact after collision of two freight trains on 02 May
Sunday evening 21:40, there was an accident involving two freight trains on the line between Bratislava-Petrzalka and Parndorf.
In the area of Kittsee station, the two trains collided sideways under the A6 freeway bridge.
No persons were injured, but several wagons derailed and the overhead line and track systems were damaged.
A fire in the overhead line was quickly extinguished. The accident site was cordoned off over a wide area. The derailment caused a small amount of hazardous material to escape, which was immediately bound by the fire department. There is therefore no danger for residents and the environment.
The exact cause of the accident is currently being investigated.
Freight trains are being diverted.
Work is currently underway to salvage the wagons involved in the accident. This is proving difficult due to the location under the highway bridge. Once the wagons have been removed, the damaged infrastructure will be restored.
(Overhead line and track system)
From the current point of view, the line should be passable again from Tuesday next week.
International Freight-Trains between Vienna and ZSR Bratislava-Petrzalka have to be rerouted
Via Marchegg (max. 1 freight train per 2 hours)
Via Bratislava – Rajka – Hegyeshalom – Nickelsdorf – Parndorf (max. 1 train per hour)
Via Breclav
Estimated duration of the interuption is till 09.05.2023, 02:00 p.m.
We will inform our customers about the further proceedings.
In case of any questions please do not hesitate to contact the ICM Coordinator of RFC Rhine-Danube: Bernd B Wetzel, C-OSS Manager via