We would like to inform our customers and potential customers that the new Corridor Information Document for Timetable 2025 (Sections 1-4) and the updated Corridor Information Document for Timetable 2024 (Sections 1-4) have been published.
The CID provides information about the conditions of using the RFC comprising infrastructure characteristics, list and description of terminals, capacity allocation rules, and traffic management rules.
A PCS training will be offered in February 2024, providing you with valuable and practical insights needed for requesting capacity on the Rail Freight Corridors for timetable 2025. Moreover, the training will enhance your knowledge by introducing you to (new) features and functions in PCS, informing you about the news for TT 2025 and giving you the chance to practice live with individual and corridor-specific exercises.
Should you be interested in participating to one or several of the trainings, please contact the C-OSS via , or register directly via the following links:
RFC Group 1: jointly organized by RFC North Sea-Med, Atlantic and Mediterranean RFC Group 2: jointly organized by RFC Baltic-Adriatic, Orient/East-Med, Rhine-Danube, Alpine-Western Balkan, and Amber RFC Group 3: jointly organized by RFC Rhine-Alpine, North Sea-Med, Scan-Med, Orient/East-Med North Sea-Baltic and Rhine-Danube RFC Group 4: jointly organized by RFC Baltic-Adriatic, North Sea-Baltic and Amber
Please feel free to share this information with other colleagues.
Due to heavy snowfall in the southern part of Germany during the night from Friday 1st to Saturday 2nd December, DB Netz classified the impact as an ICM case according to the RNE ICM Handbook.
The southern federal state Bavaria and in particular the area around Munich are significantly affected. Since the evening of 1st December, the Munich – Rosenheim section has been closed. No train traffic has been possible here.
The reason is that on this section near the town of Assling, there is a catenary damage, which is currently still under repair. Single-track operation is running again since 2 pm today.
DB Netz is checking whether further train journeys are possible. Double-track operation is expected to be possible by 6th December.
UPDATE 06-12-2023:
All main lines have been cleared and international traffic is up and running on all lines again. With this improvement and upgrade of capacity, DB Netz has decleared that the international distruption is over.
Some of the shunting yards and service tracks are still down to 50% capacity and DB Netz will continue with the work to clear them up. The forecast of capacity is uncertain at the moment.
We will keep our customers informed about the further proceedings.
We would like to inform you about an update regarding the urgent construction works ongoing on the Biatorbágy – Szárliget section, located on the main line Budapest – Rajka (1) in Hungary.
As informed you before, total closure will be introduced on the above section between 27 October and 17 November 2023.
On the alternative route, Komárom – Székesfehérvár (5), MÁV is going to arrange diesel locomotives for traction of freight trains continuously between28 October and 18 November in order to maximize the available capacity on this route.
Please note the following:
the diesel locomotives will be provided by MÁV Rail Tours Kft.,
MÁV will manage the operation of these locomotives,
these locomotives will fall under the scope of the agreement between MÁV and the RUs concerned about the reimbursement of the costs related to this temporary capacity restriction.
Railway undertakings are informed that train paths allocated on the main line Budapest – Rajka (1) should not be cancelled, however, alternative train paths on the Komárom – Székesfehérvár – Budapest-Kelenföld section should be requested by the operating railway undertakings.
In order to minimise the unnecessary waiting times, we kindly request the railway undertakings concerned not to plan long dwell times on the above section and to arrange the shifts of locomotive drivers in a way not to generate track occupancy at the stations Komárom and Székesfehérvár.
We are happy to announce that RFC Rhine-Danube published Reserve Capacity (RC) for TT 2024, which is now accessible in PCS and ready to be ordered.
The Reserve Capacity is our product for new recurrent business needs and ad-hoc traffic within the running timetable and consists of remaining capacity in the running timetable. Reserve Capacity TT 2024 is accessible in PCS and can be requested up to 30 days before the first day of operation on all corridor sections. Once your request is submitted, the C-OSS will provide you on behalf of the involved infrastructure managers with an internationally harmonized path offer until 10 days before the first running day at the latest.
Further details on this product and its benefits can be found on our website and in PCS, including all relevant information on the procedures for requesting and allocating capacity, standard running times and train parameters. The CID Book 4 including the principles of capacity management can be downloaded here.
The next meeting of the Advisory Groups of RFC Rhine-Danube will take place on 21 November between 9.00am and 3.00pm in Prague. The groups consist of the railway undertakings which are using the services of the RFC and the terminals which are located along the RFC. You can find more information about these groups here: https://rfc-rhine-danube.eu/rag-tag/
It will be a joint event together with the Advisory Groups of RFC Orient / East-Med, which is the third common event of this kind.
This customer meeting is an open event, we welcome all interested stakeholders. If you are interested in participating, you may register by sending an email to Ms Zsuzsanna Borsodi, Operative Assistant of the RFC via by 3 November.
On 24th August, German infrastructure manager DB Netz issued an information notice that a urgent construction measure is necessary to renew tracks between Passau main station and Passau border (line 5831). The associated closure times in the period from 29.09.2023 to 16.10.2023 will lead to significant restrictions for international rail freight traffic crossing the Passau border to and from Austria.
As a consequence of the track works, the border crossing at Passau will be totally closed at the following times:
29.09. 22:00 h to 04.10. 06:00 h
06.10. 22:00 h to 09.10. 06:00 h
13.10. 22:00 h to 16.10. 06:00 h
During the period of the TCR, single-track operation is possible at the following times:
04.10. 06:00 h to 06.10. 22:00 h
09.10. 06:00 h to 13.10. 22:00 h
Freight traffic will be diverted via the Freilassing – Salzburg border. A maximum train length restriction of 610m is applied here.
DB Netz asks for your understanding and cooperation in dealing with this situation. If you require further information, please contact your DB Netz customer account manager.
On 13th September MÁV issued a statement regarding urgent construction works on Biatorbágy – Szárliget section, which is located on main line Budapest – Rajka. The statement can be read below:
Dear Partner!
Following recent diagnostic tests, a speed restriction has been introduced on the Biatorbágy – Szárliget section of railway line 1 due to the conditions of the railway tracks. The Ministry of Construction and Transport, as the owner, has ordered the removal of this speed restriction as soon as possible.
Please be informed that the following temporary capacity restrictions will be introduced on the section between Biatorbágy – Szárliget in connection with the track maintenance works:
From 18th September 2023 to 26th October 2023, the left track will be closed (the right track will also be closed between 00:00 and 04:00 at night),
From 27th October 2023 to 17th November 2023, construction works require a total closure,
From 18th November 2023 to 9th December 2023, the right track will be closed (the left track will also be closed between 00:00 and 04:00 at night).
Please note that the exposure to weather conditions of the track maintennance works is significant, so the date of completion may change.
Alternatively, we recommend the use of the Komárom – Székesfehérvár (5) and Székesfehérvár – Budapest-Kelenföld (30a) lines, which require diesel traction, and the Hegyeshalom – Porpác (16), Porpác – Székesfehérvár (20) and Székesfehérvár – Budapest-Kelenföld (30a) lines, which require electric traction only.
We will keep you informed during the whole process and provide you the opportunity to consult us.
After the end of the track closure on the Biatorbágy – Szárliget section of railway line 1 by removing the above mentioned and previously introduces speed restrictions as well, we will be at the disposal of our Clients with a renewed railway infrastructure, ensuring a high technical standard in the long term.
We ask for your understanding and cooperation in dealing with this situation.
We would like to inform our customers about the publication of the updated overview of Temporary Capacity Restrictions (TCRs). This update concerns TCRs of DB Netz, MÁV, ÖBB Infra, SZCZ, and ZSR.
The Rail Facilities Portal (RFP) is the successor of the well-known “Railfreightlocations” portal, initiated and authorised by the European Commission.
The RFP provides quick access to information on all kinds of rail facilities, in particular rail freight facilities, e.g. for the planning of rail services.
It opens new opportunities for all kind of operating facilities to publish their information for marketing purposes.
Join us for informative and engaging Training Webinars hosted by RailNetEurope and the RFC Network.
Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights into the RFP. The goal of the webinars is that you can manage your terminal data entries autonomously and make full advantage of RFP as promotional platform.
Here’s an overview of the 3 Training Webinars:
All 3 Training Webinars will be held Online via MS Teams in English language and will be recorded.