New Comprehensive, Modernised CIP Layout

We are pleased to announce the launch of the new layout of the Customer Information Platform (CIP) developed jointly by all 11 RFCs and RailNetEurope, which marks a significant advancement in terms of comprehensiveness, synergies, and accessibility of information.

The CIP is an interactive, internet-based information tool which provides essential information on routing, terminals, track properties, infrastructure development projects, and more.

The new layout of the CIP system offers enhanced capabilities for adding further functionalities and improvements in the future.

The new modernised and user-friendly layout and user interface offers a better opportunity to create synergies and access data more efficiently.

The new CIP is a part of the Railway Infrastructure System (RIS), where data and functionalities of other infrastructure-based sector registers, including ERA’s Registers of Infrastructure (RINF), are merged to create an even more comprehensive and complete tool.

This will establish an accessible environment for anybody seeking information on Rail Freight Corridors and will serve as a foundation for interaction between stakeholders.

We are looking forward to an expanded and fruitful collaboration with the CIP users, leveraging the new system as a basis for exchanging infrastructure information.

The CIP will remain to be available free of charge for all users.

For any questions regarding the new CIP system, please send an email to .

Experience the new CIP Layout

For those eager to experience the enhanced features and user-friendly interface of the newly launched CIP tool, we invite you to explore it now!

Login to CIP here now

Traffic disruption between Nürnberg and Würzburg

We would like to inform our customers that due to the heavy rainfall that caused floods in the south of Germany, the railway bridge between Nürnberg and Würzburg near Kitzingen has not been useable since 04:00 on 2nd June 2024.

Reconstruction will not be possible until 24th June 2024. After that, traffic will start on a single track. The exact date of the reconstruction and the opening of the second track is not known yet.

Diversionary routes for freight trains are available to the north via Bamberg and to the south via Ansbach.

The parameters of the diversionary routes are as follows:

Submit your Capacity Wishlist for timetable 2026 by 16 August

The Corridor Capacity Wishlist has been send out to all applicants and railway undertakings to collect international capacity wishes and needs for the annual timetable 2026.

The result of this survey will be one of the main elements that the Rail Freight Corridors will use to build the PaP Catalogues for timetable 2026.

We look forward to receiving your requests, which should be sent back by 16 August.


If you were not on the mailing list or are new to this business, information can be found and downloaded by the following link:



Also, you can find the template for submitting your wishlist here:

Publication of CID TT 2025

We would like to inform our customers and potential customers that the updated Corridor Information Document for Timetable 2025 (Sections 1-4) has been published.

The CID provides information about the conditions of using the RFC comprising infrastructure characteristics, list and description of terminals, capacity allocation rules, and traffic management rules.

The documents can be found on our website (

The documents are accessible via CIP, too (

We are looking forward to welcoming you on the RFC Rhine-Danube network.

Pre-Booking phase for TT 2025 has been finished

By the end of April all train path requests from applicants were sucessfully realised:

  • The volume of pre-booked capacity with 2,12 mio km is 24% higher than last year
  • No conflicts had to be solved
  • The number of submitted dossiers equals to last year (24 Dossiers)

On behalf of the whole team we would like to thank youfor booking your international train paths via PCS!

The next steps are:

Timetable planners are constructing your path requests until Monday, 1st July, when the International Draft Timetable will be published.

From that date on the results are visible to the applicants and you can make justified objections if necessary.

Monday, 19th August: Start of the Final Offer: you have 5 days to accept the offer in PCS.

Come and visit us and our side-event about ‘Improving the performance of cross-border rail freight traffic’ at the Connecting Europe Days

We are pleased to announce that RFC Rhine-Danube will attend the Connecting Europe Days this year again.


The Connecting Europe Days 2024 is going to take place on 2-5 April in the halls of the Square Brussels Convention Center in Brussels. For more information, please visit and


If you would like to exchange on matters with us important for you and your organisation regarding facilitating rail freight traffic, please visit us between 3rd and 5th April at the joint booth of the RFC Network, which will be booth No. 67 in the Grand Hall.


Additionally, we would like to invite all of our interested partners to a special side-event on ‘Improving the performance of cross-border rail freight traffic’, which is co-organised by the RFC Network and some partner organisations in cooperation with the European Commission. It will be held from 9:00 to 10:30 on 4 April 2024 at Studios 314+316.


This side-event will focus on some of the current initiatives improving the performance of cross-border rail freight traffic:


  • Quality Circle Operations (QCO) (RFC Atlantic & RFC Rhine-Alpine)
  • Brenner Corridor and Femern Belt Platforms (RFC ScanMed)
  • Evolution of the dozen: improving train performance both at Schengen borders and non-Schengen borders (RFC Orient/East-Med & RFC Rhine-Danube)
  • Capacity Intelligence project (RFC North Sea-Med)
  • Real Time Data sharing between railway actors (TIS and R-CDM) (RailNetEurope)
  • Enhanced Data Interoperability for Combined Transport stakeholders (EDICT) project (UIRR)


If you would like to participate in the above side-event and in the open exchange of views after the presentations, you can register here:


We are looking forward to meeting you there.

Publication of PaP Offer for TT 2025

Our PaP offer for timetable 2025 is now published and accessible via PCS and the website.

We are glad to inform all our customers and potential customers about the publication of the pre-arranged paths (PaPs) on RFC Rhine-Danube for timetable 2025. The offer is accessible via PCS ( and the PaP Catalogue may be accessed via our website (, containing a clickable map, detailed information sheets per section, a table overview of all PaPs per direction as well as additional information on train parameters, TCRs and distances. For any questions, please address the C-OSS manager (

We are looking forward to welcoming you on the RFC Rhine-Danube network!

Results of User Satisfaction Survey 2023

To learn the level of satisfaction of the customers with the performance of the corridor, RFC Rhine-Danube conducted its third user satisfication survey for 2023. The survey was conducted in a harmonised manner, most importantly by using a harmonised questionnaire across all 11 RFCs, and coordinated by RailNetEurope.

We would like to thank everyone who filled it in for the valuable feedback and time.

The summary of the results specific for RFC Rhine-Danube can be downloaded here.

Our RFC is taking a deeper look into the results in order to define concrete actions for improvement.