Customer Information Platform (CIP) is rolled out to the entire RFC Network

The Customer Information Platform (CIP), an internet-based application operated by RailNetEurope (RNE) on behalf of the Rail Freight Corridors (RFCs), has been successfully rolled out to RFC Rhine-Danube. The information concerning this newest RFC is now available in the CIP productive environment under With this, the CIP now provides customer-relevant information on railway infrastructure in 26 European countries covering the entire RFC Network.

The cornerstone of CIP is an interactive map, which is supplemented by a joint document share point used by all RFCs. The CIP interactive map provides a wide range of information on the rail infrastructure along the routes of RFCs, such as the rail freight-relevant line properties, length of the line sections, ETCS deployment plans and further investment projects. The CIP interactive map also features information about the re-routing options in case of international contingencies appearing along the routes of the RFCs as well as an advanced functionality for route-planning.

In addition to the above, the geographical coverage of CIP is gradually being extended beyond the routing of RFCs, thus covering also the feeder and outflow paths of RFCs’ customers. Moreover, to further improve the experience of CIP users, in early 2021 the graphical user interface of CIP has been upgraded to match the state of the art.

International Disruption in Munich North Shunting Facility (RFC ScanMed)

After the heavy rain on Wednesday night (June 23rd), the technical systems at the Munich North marshalling yard failed after a water ingress. No single wagon traffic is currently possible there. Passing trains can run after consultation with the operations center of DB Netz AG. For freight hauliers, DB is developing alternative concepts for nearby nodes and other marshalling yards. In addition, technicians are on site around the clock to ensure that traffic in the facility can start up again as quickly as possible.

As early as tomorrow, Saturday (June 26th), part of the facility in the Munich North marshalling yard can be used again, but further restrictions are to be expected in the medium and long term.


UPDATE (30 June 2021):

For the time being, a good 20 percent of single wagon traffic at the Munich North marshalling yard is possible again. From the end of July, more than 50 percent of the individual wagons will be able to be processed there again, but technicians will continue to be on site. After heavy rain on the night of June 23rd and a water inrush, the technical systems of the marshalling yard failed. Trains going through to Austria and Italy can pass the station. For the transports in single wagon traffic, the DB has developed alternative concepts to nearby nodes and other marshalling yards.


For further information, please contact RFC ScanMed:

  • Kosta Tsesmetsis, CRM Manager:
  • Paul Dippmann, C-OSS Manager:

Track Damages in the Czech Republic between Břeclav and Hodonín (RFC BA)

Since 24/06/2021, 19:49h the line between Břeclav and Hodonín (line to Přerov) has been closed due to damages after heavy weather conditions. International Freight-Trains need to be rerouted via Brno – Česká Třebová – Olomouc – Přerov/Prosenice.

Please feel free to contact us for more information.


UPDATE (28 June 2021):

Správa železnic is aiming to ensure operation by diesel traction on one track. Partial restoration of operations on Tuesday, 29 June 2021, information about the progress of work shall be available soon.

Re-introduction of electric traction is a matter of weeks, unfortunately.

Správa železnic is working on putting the interlocking system into operation. Restoration of level crossings is expected to be completed by Wednesday, June 30, 2021.

Freight railway undertakings are still advised to use the diversionary lines rerouted via Brno–Česká Třebová–Olomouc–Přerov/Prosenice. Traffic on the diversionary lines is smooth and capacity is available.


UPDATE (02 July 2021):

Správa železnic informs that both tracks between Břeclav and Hodonín are now in operation. Restoration of full electric traction operation will be completed in the near future.

Freight railway undertakings operating with electric locomotives only are still advised to use the diversionary lines rerouted via Brno–Česká Třebová–Olomouc–Přerov/Prosenice. Traffic on the diversionary lines is smooth and capacity is available.

Derailment in Germany in the area Munich East with impact on Munich Shunting Facility

Due to the derailment of a cargo train in the Munich area a track switch has been severly damaged. Due to this circumstance no rail freight traffic is possible between Munich East and the Munich Shunting Station.

The DB Netz Brenner production preparation unit assessed the affected trains and got into contact with RUs. A forecast of repair works was communicated. Relocation of personell was coordinated by DB Netz. An overall of 5 -6 paths could be offered each our in this area. Regarding traffic arriving from RFC 9 Rhine-Danube via Salzburg coordination was organised with ÖBB Infra.

Update 15/05/2021: The infrastructure restriction at DB Netz has been removed.

Publication of ICM Re-routing Overview 2021-2022

We are happy to announce that RFC Rhine-Danube recently published the Re-routing overview 2021-2022 for International Contingency Management.

The overview comprises a list of infrastructure parameters informing about the conditions on critical as well as re-routing lines.

Furthermore, the re-routing overview presents scenarios for disruptions on critical sections and related re-routing lines.

The document has been elaborated in close cooperation with operations and infrastructure experts of RFC Rhine-Danube members. You may download it from the following link:

Link to the RFC RHD Re-Routing Overview for 2021-2022.

International disruption between Salzburg – Wels until 19 February 2021

Since late Wednesday evening (10/02/2021), the western line (Salzburg Hbf – Wels Hbf), between Hallwang-Elixhausen and Seekirchen am Wallersee has been interrupted. The repair work for the single-track operation is expected to last until 19.02.2021, 00:00 hrs.

Detailed information can be found in the following Press Releases:

Press Release of the Rail Freight Corridor Rhine-Danube

Press Release of ÖBB

Information on the re-routing possibilites for freight trains

Update (22/02/2021): The track-interruption between Hallwang-Elixhausen and Seekirchen am Wallersee has ended. There are no speed, or capacity restrictions any more.

Rail Freight Corridors PCS Trainings 2021: Registrations are open

The Rail Freight Corridors, in close cooperation with RNE (Rail Net Europe), are pleased to provide you information on a number of PCS trainings scheduled in early 2021.


RFC Group 1: jointly organized by RFC North Sea-Med, Atlantic, Mediterranean, and North Sea-Baltic

RFC Group 2: jointly organized by RFC Baltic-Adriatic, Orient/East-Med, North Sea-Baltic, Rhine-Danube, Alpine-Western Balkan, and Amber

RFC Group 3: jointly organized by RFC Rhine-Alpine, North Sea-Med, Scan-Med RFC, and North Sea-Baltic


Our annual training focuses on the corridor specific functions in PCS, and provides you with valuable, practical insights needed for requesting Capacity on the Rail Freight Corridors for timetable 2022.

Moreover, the training enhances your knowledge by introducing you to (new) features and functions in PCS in general; informing you about the news for TT2022 and giving you the chance to practice live with individual and corridor-specific exercises.

Providing flexibility due the increased options of online meetings, several trainings are offered with the same title where the sessions will be equal. If you would like to participate to one or several of the trainings, please register under one (or more) of the following links:

15th February, 09:00-11:00 via MS Teams, General RNE training for beginner users (register)
15th February, 14:00-16:00 via MS Teams, General RNE training for advanced users (register)
16th February, 09:00-11:00 via MS Teams, RFC-specific training held by Group 2 (see information on RFC groups above) (register)
16th February, 11:00-13:00 via MS Teams, General RNE training for beginner users (register)
16th February, 14:00-16:00 via MS Teams, RFC-specific training held by Group 1 (register)
17th February, 11:00-13:00 via MS Teams, RFC-specific training held by Group 3 (register)
17th February, 09:00-11:00 via MS Teams, General RNE training for advanced users (register)
17th February, 11:00-13:00 via MS Teams, RFC-specific training held by Group 2 (register)
18th February, 09:00-11:00 via MS Teams, RFC-specific training held by Group 1 (register)
18th February, 14:00-16:00 via MS Teams, RFC-specific training held by Group 3 (register)
19th February, 09:00-11:00 via MS Teams, RFC-specific training held by Group 2 (register)


Publication PaP Offer TT 2022

Our PaP Offer for Timetable 2022 is now published and accessible via PCS and the Website.

We are excited to inform all our customers about the publication of the Pre-Arranged Paths (PaPs) on RFC Rhine-Danube for Timetable 2022. The offer is accessible via PCS. Furthermore, the PaP Catalogue may be accessed via our Website, containing a clickable map, detailed information sheets per section, a table overview of all PaPs per direction as well as additional information on train parameters, TCRs and distances. For any questions please address the C-OSS manager.


At the same time, we are happy to announce that the Corridor Information Document for Timetable 2022 (Sections 1-4) was also published. The documents can be found on our Website.


We are looking forward to welcoming you on the RFC Rhine-Danube network!

Railway Noise Mitigation Act In Germany – Implementation for TT2021

Implementation of the legal requirements of the German Railway Noise Mitigation Act effective 13 December 2020.

Effective 13 December 2020 the German Railway Noise Mitigation Act (SchlärmschG) will be implemented. Under this legislation, it will no longer be permitted to run or let other parties run noisy freight trains on the German rail network.


A freight train is considered ‘noisy’ within the meaning of the Act if at least one wagon in the train is equipped with cast-iron brake blocks. Noisy trains may continue to operate in ad hoc services if the train’s speed is reduced so that its noise emissions do not exceed that of a fictitious comparable train containing only low-noise wagons.

Trains containing noisy freight wagons may only run at undiminished speed if notices of exemption are presented for all noisy freight wagons in the train with the request. The freight operating company or wagon keeper can request exemption certificates from the Federal Railway Authority. An exemption under Section 5 German Railway Noise Mitigation Act can be granted if

  • it can be demonstrated that no approved technology exists for retrofitting the wagon,
  • the wagon runs exclusively on a section of line with steep gradients before or after its main leg, or
  • the wagon is operated solely for reasons of historical interest or tourism.

The exemption documents must be e-mailed directly to DB Netz AG as part of the train path request:


In addition, train paths can be applied for at undiminished speed despite the use of noisy wagons if an expert noise control assessment (schallschutztechnisches Gutachten) demonstrates compliance with the emission limits on the route to be travelled even if noisy freight wagons are used.

The train path order must include information as to whether the train in question is a low-noise train, a noisy train with an exemption, or a noisy train. This information is mandatory and must be input via a selection field in the train path portal.

We at DB Netz AG are obliged to check compliance with the legal requirements. From 13 December 2020, verification of compliance will be carried out ex post by means of a random sample of 5% of all train journeys. Train compositions/consist lists will be requested for the trains in the sample. These lists will be used to review the brake equipment of each wagon. The lists will be transmitted over a direct interface based on a REST web service. Alternatively, the lists can be transmitted as Excel documents in accordance with the format template provided by DB Netz AG. Both the technical description of the interface (three documents in total) and the format template of the Excel document can be found on DB Netz AG’s website under ‘Downloads’ on the Railway Noise Mitigation Act page. We at DB Netz AG will contact all the freight operating companies included in the sample to ask them to provide us with their lists of wagons, first on 22 December 2020 for the period 13.12.2020 to 20.12.2020 and then again on 5 January 2021 for the period 21.12.2020 to 03.01.2021.

Please note that the above regulations result directly from the provisions in Sections 1 to 8 German Railway Noise Mitigation Act (SchlärmschG), which are to be applied without restriction. The announcement made by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) in its letter dated 23 November 2020 that it will not impose sanctions for violations of the Railway Noise Mitigation Act in the 2020/2021 working timetable period relates exclusively to the official discretionary powers referred to in Sections 11 to 13 SchlärmschG: The Federal Railway Authority (EBA) will not impose the sanctions mentioned there until the 2021/2022 timetable change; the obligations arising from the SchlärmschG for the parties involved shall remain in full force.

If a freight operating company registers a train as quiet although it knows that it will contain noisy wagons within the meaning of the Railway Noise Mitigation Act, this will be considered a violation of the Act starting on 13 December 2020. Similarly, from this date, we at DB Netz AG will no longer be permitted to offer paths without reduced speed for trains that are registered as noisy.


You will find detailed information on the German Railway Noise Mitigation Act on DB Netz AG’s website.

This text is an English translation provided by DB Netz. The official statement, in German, is provided in DB Netz Kundeninformationen.

Publication of TCR Overview

We are pleased to inform that RFC Rhine-Danube published the first version of the Temporary Capacity Restrictions (TCR) overview. The document was elaborated by TCR experts of our corridor and provides details on construction works along the corridor in 2020-2023. Interested parties may easily select the requested TCR per section via an interactive map.

Please find the document on our TCR web page.