Publication of TCRs for TT 2023, 2024, 2025

We would like to inform our customers about the publication of the updated overview of Temporary Capacity Restrictions (TCRs) on RFC Rhine-Danube. This update comprises updates to TCRs planned for timetable years 2023 and 2024, as well as the first publication of TCRs with major and high impact planned for timetable year 2025.

It can be accessed via our website (, as well as via the CIP (


For the first time, some of the TCRs are also available in the TCR Tool operated by RailNetEurope. Currently, the following TCRs along RFC Rhine-Danube are displayed on a user-friendly map overview in the tool for interested users:

  • MÁV: for timetable years 2023 and 2024
  • ZSR: for timetable years 2023, 2024, and 2025


You can access the TCR Tool via

Publication of CID TT 2023-2024

We would like to inform our customers and potential customers that the new Corridor Information Document for Timetable 2024 (Sections 1-4) and the updated Corridor Information Document for Timetable 2023 (Sections 1-4) have been published.


The CID provides information about the conditions of using the RFC comprising infrastructure characteristics, list and description of terminals, capacity allocation rules, and traffic management rules.


The documents can be found on our website (

The documents are accessible via CIP, too (


We are looking forward to welcoming you on the RFC Rhine-Danube network!


PCS training for TT 2024

A PCS training will be offered in February 2023, providing you with valuable and practical insights needed for requesting capacity on the Rail Freight Corridors for timetable 2024. Moreover, the training will enhance your knowledge by introducing you to (new) features and functions in PCS, informing you about the news for TT 2024 and giving you the chance to practice live with individual and corridor-specific exercises.

Should you interested in participating to one or several of the trainings, please contact the C-OSS or the PMO, or register directly via the following links:

RFC Group 1: jointly organized by RFC North Sea-Med, Atlantic and Mediterranean
RFC Group 2: jointly organized by RFC Baltic-Adriatic, Orient/East-Med, Rhine-Danube, Alpine-Western Balkan, and Amber
RFC Group 3: jointly organized by RFC Rhine-Alpine, North Sea-Med, Scan-Med, Orient/East-Med North Sea-Baltic and Rhine-Danube
Baltic training: jointly organized by RFC Baltic-Adriatic, North Sea-Baltic and Amber
Online training session: separate beginner, intermediate and advanced session held by RNE.

Please feel free to share this information with other colleagues.

We are looking forward to meeting you!

EU grant agreement awarded to RFC Rhine-Danube for its further implementation

Two successful years after becoming operational, RFC Rhine-Danube has recently been awarded with a CEF grant agreement dedicated by the European Commission.


The goal of the grant is to achieve the specific objectives of Regulation 913/2010/EU on RFC Rhine-Danube as follows:

  • Objective 1: Improve coordination between Infrastructure Managers, Member States, Railway Undertakings and managers and owners of Terminals, both between these different groups of actors and – within the groups – across borders;
  • Objective 2: Coordinate and plan investments to ensure that infrastructure capacities and capabilities available along RFC RD meet the needs of international rail freight traffic, including as regards interoperability;
  • Objective 3: Improve operational conditions for international rail freight services, in particular by coordinating traffic management along RFC RD, including in the event of disturbance and monitor the performance of rail freight services on RFC RD;
  • Objective 4: Guarantee international freight trains access to adequate infrastructure capacity, recognizing the needs of other types of transport, including passenger transport;
  • Objective 5: Facilitate the use of rail infrastructure for international rail freight services and support fair competition between rail freight service providers;
  • Objective 6: Improve intermodality along RFC RD.


RFC Rhine-Danube very much appreciates the financial support provided by the European Commission for the benefit of facilitating rail freight transport.

CIP 2022 Customer Satisfaction Survey

We would hereby like to kindly ask our partners to participate in a short Customer Satisfaction Survey. It will take only a few minutes to fill in.

The survey is available under this LINK. The goal of this survey is to provide us with an overview of the user experience with the Customer Information Platform.

Your answers will help to identify where progress has been made, as well as to identify areas that may need further optimisation and particular focus.

Thank you very much in advance for your contribution!


Our First Performance Monitoring Report is Available Now

The Management Board of RFC Rhine-Danube (RFC RD) monitors the performance of rail freight services on the RFC and publishes the results of this monitoring once a year.
Since RFC RD became operational in October 2020, this is its first performance monitoring report.
During the first year of its operation, RFC RD implemented all KPIs commonly applied by all of the other RFCs, too, in order to facilitate the above-mentioned monitoring process in a harmonised way.
This Performance Monitoring Reports describes the results of the commonly applicable RFC KPIs.

You can find the first performance monitoring report here. Read more

Next TPM Meeting with RUs and Terminals on 19 October

We would like to invite our customers and terminal partners to the next meeting of the Operations and Performance Working Group, which will be held again commonly with RFC Orient/East-Med, with the participation of IMs and interested RUs and terminals.

This TPM meeting will be held online and is scheduled for 09:00-16:00 on 19 October 2022.

If you are interested in participating, you may register by sending an email to Mrs Zita Koops-Árvai, Managing Director of the RFC via  

Join the second joint meeting of the Advisory Groups of RFC Rhine-Danube and RFC Orient / East-Med

The next meeting of the Advisory Groups of RFC Rhine-Danube will take place on 5 October 2022 between 9am and 2pm. The groups consist of the railway undertakings and the terminals which are located along or using the services of the RFC. You can find more information about these groups here:

It will be a joint event together with the Advisory Groups of RFC Orient / East-Med, which is the second common event of this kind.

The format of the meeting will be hybrid:

– we will meet you at the headquarters of MÁV in Budapest, and

– for those of you who cannot travel to Budapest, we are going provide the possibility to join via MS Teams.

This customer meeting is an open event, we welcome all interested stakeholders. If you are interested in participating, you may register by sending an email to Mrs Zita Koops-Árvai, Managing Director of the RFC via .