Latest updates on the current operational situation related to floods in Central Europe (Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia)

  • On SZCZ network, the situation is gradually coming back to the normal activities. Bohumin Vrbice-Chalupki border point will be opened today 4th October at 16.00. Full operation of Chalupki-Bohumin is envisaged on 10 October, where also related local lines will be reopened. All Corridors lines will be fully operational as from next week. For freight trains, there will be no need for rerouting. As for international passenger trains, reopening of specific traffics are also according to RUs needs and
  • For traffic to Slovakia from the Chech network, all border lines are operational.
  • ÖBB-I network: criticalities remain on the West line Wien-St.Pölten. In the normal case East-/West Corridor has 5 tracks. Since September 28th  it is possible to use just 2 of them. As for the Old Westline, efforts to increase capacity are ongoing, namely:
  • on October 10th the Old Western line will have no longer single track sections and a new schedule will be offered, then it will be possible to use 3 of 5 tracks on the East- / West Corridor
  • as from October 1st, 00:00 until Monday 14th, 24:00,  on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday there is only 75 % capacity available;
  • on October 14th capacity will be increased up to 100 %
  • The rerouting option via Tulln and Herzogenburg is open since September 28th, with some restrictions up to October 10th.
  • As for the New West Line, tunnels and train station Tullnerfeld were under water with big damages. No precise forecasts for reopening are possible at the moment.
  • Impact on DB InfraGO network: DB InfraGo mentioned that with regard to situation related to transit trains parked (i.e. Germany- Austria border via Passau), the overall framework improved as from last Saturday, when additional capacity was released. Situation is coming back to normal activities.

We will keep our stakeholders informed about the further proceedings.

Further updates on the current operational situation related to floods in Central Europe (Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia)

  • Major criticalities on SZCZ network, in particular in the Ostrava region: As far as the main line Ostrava-Svinov – Bohumín – Dětmarovice is concerned, which has been closed because of flood since 14 September 2024, we are glad to inform you that it will be re-opened from
    14:00 tomorrow (28 September).
    Transit traffic for freight trains will be possible again from that time on towards Polandvia other border points different from Bohumin-Chalupki which is still closed. Main criticalities remains for passenger trains.
  • SZCZ expects to be able share further updates next Friday.
  • ZSR: For traffic to Slovakia from the Chech network, all border lines are still operational.
  • ÖBB-I network: More Capacity Created for Freight Transport

As of September 28, 2024, from 8:00 AM, the route between Tulln an der Donau via Tullnerfeld to Herzogenburg can be reopened for freight traffic. This will allow additional freight trains to operate during the day on the Danube axis, in addition to those on the ‘old West route’ at night. This solution will bring up to 75% of the usual capacity for freight traffic, compared to the previous 25%. This ensures the continued supply security of Austrian and European industry.

In addition to reopening specific routes, efforts are being made to reroute freight traffic on a larger scale where possible, for example via the Semmering or the Pyhrn routes. This depends on factors such as the weight and size of the freight, as these routes involve tunnel passages with strict limits.

Impact of the Flooding on Freight Transport

Freight transport is still massively affected by the restrictions following the floods in Austria and neighbouring countries such as Poland, Czechia, Romania, and Hungary, with Italy (Emilia Romagna) now impacted as well. Entire transport corridors have been rendered impassable due to floods and landslides. Although some routes have been reopened, a significant number of sections remain closed, both nationally and internationally.

Delays and Backlog in Freight Traffic

The situation has made freight transport extremely difficult, with hundreds of trains currently at a standstill, particularly at the borders, where traffic has come to a complete halt. The backlog and processing of freight traffic are expected to take some time, leading to extended delays.

  • Impact on DB InfraGO network: The above disruption in Austria still has an impact on cross-border traffic via Passau and Salzburg. In particular, there are criticalities on the German-Austrian borders where several trains are parked and cannot run. DB InfraGO and ÖBB-I have been in close contact with each other in order to mitigate the situation.

We will keep our stakeholders informed about the further proceedings.

Latest updates on the current operational situation related to floods in Central Europe (Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia)

  • Major criticalities on SZCZ network, in particular in the Ostrava region: Traffic to Austria and Poland is still interrupted, the main line Ostrava-Svinov – Bohumín – Dětmarovice is still closed because of flood (since 14 September 2024 as informed before). On 25 September at the earliest, it might be possible to estimate when it will be opened for traffic again.

There is re-routing option for the traffic flow from Austria/Italy to Poland via Ostrava-Vítkovice – Český Těšín – Petrovice u Karviné – Zebrzydowice. In cooperation with the responsible RUs freight trains are rerouted.


  • For traffic to Slovakia from the Chech network, all border lines are operational.


  • ÖBB-I network: The main lines are open with some restrictions.

On the New West line, between Wien Meidling and St. Pölten Hbf 130, there are still major disturbances. The New West Line Tunnels are under water with big damages. Most likely, it will take some weeks to repair them.

On the Old West line between Wien Westbahnhof – Rekawinkel – St. Pölten Hbf, there are also restrictions due to damage. Freight trains may run only at night or are rerouted via the south line.

The West Line has very restricted capacity, with only (reduced) passenger trains on the Old West Line from 05:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Therefore, starting with today, 23.09.2024 11:00 p.m. freight trains are only allowed between 11:00 p.m. and 05:00 a.m. A contingent has been introduced for 40 paths for freight trains. Ad-hoc freight trains or paths are not possible.

  • Impact on DB InfraGO network: The above disruption in Austria also has an impact on cross-border traffic via Passau and Salzburg. In particular, there are criticalities on the German-Austrian borders where several trains are parked and cannot run. DB InfraGO and ÖBB-I are in close contact with each other.

We will keep our stakeholders informed about the further proceedings.

Updates on the current situation related to floods in Central Europe (Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia)

  • Major criticalities on SZCZ network, in particular in the Ostrava region: Traffic to Austria and Poland is interrupted. Currently, the main line Hranice na Moravě – Studénka – Ostrava – Bohumín – Dětmarovice is closed because of flood. Part of this line is still under water, so it is still impossible to estimate when it is going to be opened for traffic again. As a consequence, now it is impossible to manage the transit traffic from Austria to Poland and unfortunately, currently, there is no re-routing option for this traffic. Transit trains to Austria and Italy are not operated. There are only two operational border-crossings to Poland, Petrovice/Zebrzyodowice (accessible only from Dětmarovice and from Slovak side only) and Lichkov/Miedzylesie (not accessible from Polish side).

For traffic to Slovakia from the Chech network, the border point in Cadca is operational.


  • ÖBB-I network: As of 11 September, major problems have occurred with snow and floods in particular on the West line, direction Wien-Pölten – Linz- Salzburg. The New West Line Tunnels are still under water with big damages. On the Old West line (same direction Wien- St.Pölten), there are still some mudflows and only single track is operational, therefore, freight trains run only in the night or are rerouted via the south line.


We will keep our stakeholders informed about the further proceedings.

ICM – flood

Due to the extraordinary flood event, which caused extensive restrictions and stopped traffic operation on the territory of the Czech Republic and the railway network of Správa železnic, we are asking you to initiate the ICM process.


At this moment line Hranice na Moravě – Ostrava – Bohumín – Dětmarovice is closed for all traffic.


The networks of PKP PLK, ŽSR and ÖBB are also affected by this event. It is currently impossible to estimate how long will the impact on the network remain critical.


Affected border lines at this moment:

  • Bohumín-Vrbice – Chalupki
  • Bohumín os.n. – Chalupki
  • Petrovice u Karviné – Zebrzydowice
  • Mosty u Jablunkova – Čadca


Unfortunately, at the moment there is no option for the implementation of diversion trains. Only the border crossing Děčín – Bad Schandau would be considered for the traffic to/from Poland, but it is affected by extensive TCRs and it is not possible to reroute trains to it. For the traffic to/from Slovakia borders Horní Lideč – Lúky pod Makytou and Lanžhot – Kúty are still available but some restrictions might appear here soon because of flooding.

Final Offer for Timetable 2025

The final offer for TT2025 was finished by the end of last week. This is the date on which the PaP order process comes to an end and the final offer can be accepted by the customer.

Unfortunately, not all PaPs could be offered in PCS to finalize the offer by the customers. Technical problems with the new construction system including Interface to PCS have not yet been resolved, but the Slovakian ZSR is working on a solution so that these offers can also be accepted by the customer in PCS as soon as possible.

Future geogpraphical alignment of RFC Rhine-Danube with the European Transport Corridor

On 18 July, the revised European Regulation about the development of the trans-European transport network comprising the trans-European transport corridors (TEN-T corridors) entered into force. This Regulation will integrate the 11 RFCs and the formerly known 9 TEN-T corridors into the 9 new so-called European Transport Corridors.

From the above date on, the member states and the rail infrastructure managers concerned will have 18 months to make the necessary geoghrapical alignments to the current RFC Rhine-Danube, as well as the alignments to the governance and the organisation.

What does the above-mentioned geographical alignment means for RFC Rhine-Danube?

A substantial part of the current RFC Orient / East – Med, including among others many lines currently overlapping with RFC Rhine-Danube, will be integrated into RFC Rhine-Danube.

In addition, the RFC will be extended to Serbia via Budapest and further additional lines will be integrated into this RFC in Romania as well.

The map of the European Transport Corridors can be found here:

We will inform our stakeholders about the proceedings and the timeline regarding the alignments of the RFC Rhine-Danube to the ETC Rhine-Danube, especially our customers regarding the transition of the responsibilities from one C-OSS to the other C-OSS between the RFCs concerned.

Joint meeting of RU and Terminal Advisory Groups of RFC OEM, RFC NSB, and RFC RD

The Management Board of RFC Rhine-Danube has the pleasure to invite you to the meeting of the Advisory Group of Terminal owners and managers (TAG) and the Railway Undertaking Advisory Group (RAG). This time it is jointly organised with the North-Sea – Baltic and the Orient/East-Med Corridrs.

The meeting is going to take place on 9 October 2024, at 9:00 a.m. – 15:15 p.m, at Hotel Fitzgerald, Vítkova 151/26 in Prague.

One of the major focal points of this meeting will be an exchange of ideas with the participating representatives of RUs and terminals regarding how to effectively consult them on certain subjects in the future such as infrastructure development and investment needs, key performance indicators, and measures taken to improve performance along the rail freight backbones (i.e. RFCs) of the new European Transport Corridors.

It is also possible to join the meeting via Microsoft Teams or phone.

In order to register for this joint meeting to take part in the above-mentioned preparation of the future, more effective consultation processes, please fill the Registration form by 2 October.

Performance Monitoring Report 2023 is Available

Our Performance Monitoring Report for 2023 is available now.

The Management Board of RFC Rhine-Danube (RFC RD) monitors the performance of rail freight services on the RFC and publishes the results of this monitoring once a year.

Since RFC RD has become operational, it has implemented all KPIs commonly applied by all of the other RFCs, too, in order to facilitate the above-mentioned monitoring process in a harmonised way and the implementation of improvement measures with concerted efforts along the lines of the RFC and in cooperation with fellow RFCs.

One highlight is that from 2022 to 2023 the traffic volume has increased in terms of the total volume of train kilometers of all international freight trains crossing at least one border along this RFC.

For more information, you can read the performance monitoring report 2023 here and in the Customer Information Platform (CIP).