RFC Rhine-Danube starts its operations !

We are happy to announce, that as of today – October 12th 2020 – the Rail Freight Corridor Rhine-Danube has started its operations by publishing Reserve Capacity (RC) for the timetable (TT) 2021 in the Path Coordination System (PCS).

Our corridor forms an important international traffic axis, which connects production centers in Eastern Europe with target markets in the West. Its lines stretch from Strasbourg at the river Rhine through Southern Germany, Austria, Hungary up to the Black Sea Coast with the high sea port of Constanta in Romania.  In addition, it also covers the axis from the German/Czech border of Cheb via Praha and Ostrava up to the Slovakian/Ukrainian border of Čierna nad Tisou.

Several RFCs connect to our lines, such as RFC Orient/East-Med, Alpine-Western-Balkan, Atlantic and Rhine – Alpine, which all serve as feeder / outflow lines.

The RFC Rhine-Danube consist of:

  • 5 111 km of principal lines;
  • 1 832 km of diversionary lines;
  • 78 terminals including several inland waterway ports;
  • 1 high – sea port at the Black Sea (Constanta).

The corridor serves as an “economic engine” connecting industrial hubs along its way by enabling rail freight transport chains, and hereby supporting a green and sustainable transport mode in the heart of Europe.

We would like to thank the support of the 7 Member States and 9 Infrastructure Mangers and Allocation Bodies, as well as the financial contribution granted through the Connecting Europe Facility, which enabled this corridor to become reality.

Looking forward to delivering an excellent service for your individual traffic needs, we are welcoming our new customers aboard RFC Rhine-Danube.

Upcoming RAG/TAG-meeting – 14 October 2020

On behalf of the Management Board we are happy to announce that the next RAG/TAG meeting of Rail Freight Corridor Rhine-Danube will be held on 14th October 2020, between 10:00 and 13:00.

Initially we planned to have finally a physical meeting, but unfortunately due to the current travel restrictions the event will be held through MS Teams.

During the meeting our C-OSS Manager, Ms Svenja Roßkopf, will present you the corridor’s Reserve Capacity offer for Timetable 2021 (to be published on 12th October 2020), and is welcoming any questions which may arise.

Furthermore, we would like to continue the open discussion with our business partners concerning further measures towards a competitive and efficient rail freight services on our corridor.

The agenda of the meeting will be available shortly on our website.

We are looking forward to your numerous participation!


The C-OSS of the Rhine-Danube RFC has started its activity and welcomes our current and future customers

Ms Svenja Roßkopf is the newly appointed C-OSS Manager of our corridor.

We are happy to announce that starting with July 1st 2020 Svenja Roßkopf joined the PMO as C-OSS Manager for RFC Rhine-Danube. In her new function, she will serve as the single point of contact for our customers and will provide the timetable offers for the products PaP and Reserve Capacity, as well as feeders and outflows to these international paths. Ms Roßkopf presents the exclusive sales entry point and allocation body for any international path request crossing at least one border along RFC Rhine-Danube.

Svenja Roßkopf completed a master’s degree program in international logistics and management and has gained professional experience in the fields of finance, logistics and sales by working for internationally operating companies in various countries. As employee for RFC Rhine-Alpine she took her first steps in the RFC world and accompanied several projects and studies on a.o. infrastructure developments, capacity bottlenecks, international contingency management, marketing and the evaluation of Reg (EU) 913/2010. She is looking forward to continuously improving the international path products for RFC Rhine-Danube and to fruitfully exchanging ideas with our customers and partners.

Presentation of the corridor and possible market driven infrastructure needs in Brussels.

During the Rhine-Danube Core Network Corridor meeting Mr. Jean-Marc Hillenberg, Managing Director of RFC Rhine-Danube (RFC RHD) introduced in his presentation the new RFC RHD, its strategy, and the needs of Railway Undertakings regarding the development of infrastructure (according to the initiative of Ms Elisabeth Werner). Mr Hillenberg emphasised the importance of abolishing operational and administrative bottlenecks on the corridor, and that every stakeholder has its responsibility in this process. The attractiveness of rail freight can only be ensured if the service provided is reliable and efficient when compared with other modes of transport.

Launching the joint work with business partners.

The kick-off meeting of the Advisory Groups of Railway Undertakings and Terminals was organised by the Romanian Infrastructure Manager, CFR, on 9th October 2019, in Bucharest. The representatives of railway undertakings elected Mr. Martin Erlinger (Rail Cargo Austria) as their spokesperson. In her opening speech Ms. Karla Peijs stressed the importance of cooperation between CNC and RFC, the goal is to increase the modal shair of rail and make it more competitive. This could be achieved by increasing the commercial speed, offering adequate and reliable capacity for flexible transport needs (e.g. TTR), reducing temporary capacity restrictions by ensuring a multi-annual safeguarding of budget elements by the ministries of transport and hereby enabling IMs a long term planning of works.

Establishment of the Executive Board of the Rhine-Danube Rail Freight Corridor.

During the TEN-T & CEF Conference on 28th March 2019 the representatives of the Member States signed the Joint Declaration of Intent on the establishment of the Executive Board of the Rhine-Danube Rail Freight Corridor. The Executive Board (ExBo) consists of the representatives of the Ministries of Transport and/or Infrastructure of the concerned countries. It’s main tasks beside the supervision of the Management Board activities do also include the treatment of issues where their intervention is necessary.