Publication of PaP Offer TT2026

The RFC Rhine-Danube Team together with RFC Orient/East-Med is pleased to inform you about the publication of the Pre-Arranged Paths (PaPs) on RFC Rhine-Danube for Timetable 2026.

The PaP Catalogue contains PaPs from RFC 9 (Rhine-Danube) and RFC 7 (Orient/East-Med) because RFC 7 will be discontinued on 1 April. The new designed PaP Catalogue with a map, additional information on train parameters and distances and a common timetable will help you to find PaPs more easily.


The Pap Offer TT2026 is accessible via PCS  and ready for you to order from January 28th until April 14th, 2025.


The Pap Catalogue and all relevant information on the procedures for requesting and allocation capacity on the corridor (see especially the Corridor Information Document) is available on the common  Customer Information Platform (CIP) of the RFCs and on our Website

Please note that the offer can be subject to minor changes throughout the planned correction phase until end of January 2025. Updates will be communicated accordingly.


If you have any question, do not hesitate, and contact your C-OSS manager Bernd Wetzel from RFC Rhine-Danube () or József Ádám Balogh from RFC Orient/East-Med (). He will be available until end of March 2025.


We look forward to welcoming you on the RFC Rhine-Danube network !

Joint meeting of RU and Terminal Advisory Groups of RFC OEM, RFC NSB, and RFC RD

The Management Board of RFC Rhine-Danube has the pleasure to invite you to the meeting of the Advisory Group of Terminal owners and managers (TAG) and the Railway Undertaking Advisory Group (RAG). This time it is jointly organised with the North-Sea – Baltic and the Orient/East-Med Corridrs.

The meeting is going to take place on 9 October 2024, at 9:00 a.m. – 15:15 p.m, at Hotel Fitzgerald, Vítkova 151/26 in Prague.

One of the major focal points of this meeting will be an exchange of ideas with the participating representatives of RUs and terminals regarding how to effectively consult them on certain subjects in the future such as infrastructure development and investment needs, key performance indicators, and measures taken to improve performance along the rail freight backbones (i.e. RFCs) of the new European Transport Corridors.

It is also possible to join the meeting via Microsoft Teams or phone.

In order to register for this joint meeting to take part in the above-mentioned preparation of the future, more effective consultation processes, please fill the Registration form by 2 October.

Publication of TCRs for TT 2025, 2026, 2027

We would like to inform our customers about the publication of the updated overview of Temporary Capacity Restrictions (TCRs) on RFC Rhine-Danube. This update comprises updates to TCRs planned for timetable years 2025, 2026 and 2027.

It can be accessed via our website ( ), as well as via the CIP ( )

Publication of CID TT 2026

We would like to inform our customers and potential customers that new Corridor Information Document (CID) for Timetable 2026 (Sections 1-4) has been published.

The CID provides key details about the RFC Rhine-Danube network, including infrastructure characteristics, access conditions, and rules for capacity allocation, traffic, and crisis management. Harmonized across all RFCs, it ensures consistency and ease of use for international rail freight operations. The CID for RFC Rhine-Danube specifically aligns with these standards to support users effectively.

The document is now available on our website:

It can also be accessed via the CIP tool: and in the NCI tool:

We are looking forward to welcoming you on the RFC Rhine-Danube network.

Updated Transport Market Study Published on our Website

We would like to inform all interested stakeholders that the recently updated Transport Market Study of RFC Rhine-Danube (RFC RD) is now available. You can download it via

The update of this study was conducted in a joint project involving all 11 RFCs, which has enabled a harmonised structure and a harmonised methodology across all RFCs. The key conclusions included in the RFC RD-specific parts of the joint study are the following ones:

  • A large proportion of the rail freight transport passing through the RFC and its border-crossing points involves Munich, Linz, East Slovakia, West Hungary, and Budapest as the typical origins. Also, outside the current corridor area different zones can be found that contribute to freight traffic on the RFC, such as the rest of Germany (especially the Rhine-Ruhr area and Hamburg), France, Italy, Poland, Serbia, Greece, and Ukraine.
  • As far as the destinations are concerned, numerous zones benefiting from RFC RD’s services fall outside the current corridor area, such as areas in the rest of Germany (Rhine-Ruhr, Hamburg), Italy (Veneto), Serbia, Croatia and Bulgaria.
  • The most important relation is between East Slovakia and Ostrava (Chechia). Other important relations are Landshut-Linz and Munich-Linz.
  • On relations within the catchment area of RFC RD, rail freight transport has a share of 36% in the total amount of international freight transport. This is a volume of 94 million tonnes.
  • The baseline scenario was the 2022 year. All three future scenarios (Reference, Projects and Sensitivity) show an increase in international freight transport along the RFC.

  • Overall, the sensitivity scenario can be regarded as a potential maximum growth for rail, considering both economic developments and assuming that the network of RFC RD would fully comply with the mandatory TEN-T infrastructure standards by 2030.
  • Finally, the results of the RAG/TAG survey conducted between September 2023 and January 2024 about the occurred and expected impact of the establishment of the RFCs are summarised in the study as well.

Our Management Board would like to take the opportunity to thank all respondents for their valuable input and time.

PCS Training for TT2026

The Rail Freight Corridors, in close cooperation with RNE (RailNetEurope), are pleased to announce a number of PCS trainings scheduled in early 2025.               

The annual training focuses on the corridor specific functions in PCS, and provides you with valuable, practical insights needed for requesting Capacity on the Rail Freight Corridors for timetable 2026.


Moreover, the training enhances your knowledge by introducing you to (new) features and functions in PCS in general; informing you about the news for TT2026 and giving you the chance to practice live with individual and corridor-specific exercises. The trainings are held in English language.


If you would like to participate to the trainings, please register under one (or more) of the following links:

  • 22nd – 23rd January in Frankfurt jointly organized by RFCs Rhine-Alpine, Scan-Med, Orient/East-Med, North Sea-Baltic and Rhine-Danube à Click here to register
  • 28th – 29th January in Paris by jointly organized by RFCs North Sea-Med, Atlantic and Mediterranean à Click here to register
  • 12nd – 13rd February in Tallinn jointly organized by RFCs North Sea-Baltic and Amber à Click here to register
  • 18th – 19th February in Sopron jointly organized by RFCs Baltic-Adriatic, Orient/East-Med, Rhine-Danube, Alpine-Western Balkan, and Amber à Click here to register
  • 25th – 26th February in Milano jointly organized by RFCs Scan-Med, Baltic-Adriatic and Mediterranean à Click here to register


Should you wish to refresh your PCS knowledge before the trainings, recordings from past year’s online sessions are available here.

Please feel free to share this invitation with other colleagues.

Results of Annual User Satisfaction Survey 2024

To learn the evolution of the level of satisfaction of our customers with the products and services of the RFC, we conducted our fourth annual user satisfication survey in 2024 jointly and in a harmonised way with the other ten RFCs like in the previous years. The summary of the results specific for RFC Rhine-Danube can be downloaded here. We would like to thank everyone who filled it in for the valuable feedback and time. The Infrastructure Managers in the Management Board of the RFC will take a deeper look into the results in order to define concrete actions for improvement with a focus on the topics with which the respondents were the least satisfied.


We are looking forward to exchange views on the results and proposed improvement actions with our customers in the next meeting between the Railway Undertaking and the Terminal Advisory Groups with the Management Board and the Executive Board in May 2025.

Quieter routes starting on 8 December

The application of the quieter routes shall start on 8th December 2024 in the first group of implementing Member States.


Quieter routes are those, in which there is a high level of freight trains operated during night. More precisely, quieter routes are ‘part of the railway infrastructure with a minimum length of 20 km on which the average number of daily operated freight trains during the nigh-time as defined in national legislation transposing Directive 2002/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council was higher than 12.’


Only wagons compliant with the Noise TSI are allowed to operate on quieter routes from 8th December 2024.


Rail Freight Corridors Rhine-Danube and Orient / East-Med would like to give their customers an overview of the designated quieter routes here:

RNE RFC Session 2024 about common IT tools

We are pleased to invite you to the RNE RFC Session 2024, taking place online on October 30, 2024, from 10:00 to 12:00 (CET). This special event will highlight the main functionalities of several key RNE IT tools, including:

During the session, we will offer detailed presentations and guidance on these tools, helping participants to better understand their features and the benefits they bring to the railway sector.

The session will be co-organized by the RFC Network and the RNE Team, and each tool will have a dedicated 30-minute slot, including time for questions and answers.

The session will be recorded and published on the RFC Network YouTube channel for later viewing. The event will be held in English language.

If you are interested don’t hesitate to ask your questions directly to the experts. We are looking forward to your participation!

Publication of Reserve Capacity Offer for Timetable 2025

We are happy to announce that Reserve Capacity (RC) for timetable 2025 is now published and accessible and ready to be ordered via PCS.

Reserve Capacity is our product for new recurrent business needs and ad-hoc traffic within the running timetable and consists of remaining capacity in the running timetable. RC can be requested up to 30 days before the first day of operation on all corridor sections. Once your request is submitted, the C-OSS will provide you on behalf of the involved infrastructure managers with an internationally harmonized path offer until 10 days before the first running day at the latest.

RC is provided as a contingent of capacity slots for international freight paths per day/section (flexible approach) as well as pre-defined catalogue paths at cross-border sections constructed from the remaining capacity.

Due to partial integration of RFC Orient/East-Med into RFC Rhine-Danube, our RC offer has now been extended to the following lines as well.

In Germany:

From North sea ports (Wilhelmshaven/Bremerhaven/Hamburg/Rostock) to Dresden – DE/CZ border

In the Czech Republic:

  • DE/CZ border – Praha/Lysá n. Labem
  • Česká Třebová – Brno – Břeclav – CZ/AT border
  • Břeclav – CZ/SK border
  • Kolín – Brno

In Austria:

  • CZ/AT border – Wien

In Slovakia:

  • CZ/SK border – Kúty – Bratislava
  • Kúty – Trnava – Galanta – NZ – Štúrovo/Szob
  • Bratislava – Galanta
  • Bratislava – Komárno
  • NZ – Komárno – Komárno(SK)/Komárom(HU)

 In Hungary:

  • SK/HU border – Vác – Budapest
  • Vác – Újszász


Further details on this product and its benefits can be found on our website  and in PCS, including all relevant information on the procedures for requesting and allocating capacity, standard running times and train parameters. The CID including the principles of capacity management can be downloaded here CID

We hope to deliver a useful service to your individual traffic needs with this flexible capacity product.

Should you in the meantime have any questions, remarks or requests please do not hesitate to contact your C-OSS manager.

Final Report on the current operational situation related to floods in Central Europe (Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia)

On SZCZ network, the overall situation is coming back to the normal activities. Full operation of Chalupki-Bohumin border point is envisaged on 12 October in the evening, for both passenger and freight trains. All  Corridors lines will be fully operational.


ÖBB-I: the situation has improved and gradually returned to normal activities. Since 10 October the Old Western Line has both tracks with max speed 100 Km/h open. Currently there are 3 out of 5 tracks on the East-West Corridor available.

  • 85 – 100 % of capacity for freight trains is available on the West Line and on the rerouting line via Herzogenburg possible
  • 15 % has to be rerouted via the South Line
  • ÖBB-I adapted schedules (with some restrictions for the passanger trains) in order to gain capacity for freight trains
  • the New West Line will be temporary repaired by December 14th 2024; a second phase repair will be needed in Summer 2025 for 4 weeks