The Corridor One Stop Shop (C-OSS) is a joint body of all RFC RHD infrastructure managers and serves as the single point of contact to our customers. The C-OSS is available for any requests regarding infrastructure capacity for international freight trains crossing at least one border along RFC Rhine-Danube in one single operation. The services of the C-OSS include the following:

  • Coordination of Infrastructure Managers and Allocation Body, allowing a simple and fast booking of international paths for freight trains
  • Flexible offer tailored to the specific requirements of our customers
  • Customer service to support in the planning and booking of international transports
  • Information centre on technical features of corridor lines and terminals as well as Temporary Capacity Restrictions influencing the capacity offer along the corridor
  • Customized access to the international IT booking tool PCS


RFC Rhine-Danube offers the following two products:

The Corridor Information Document, which contains all relevant information about the corridor can be found here.